Navigating the legal system can be daunting for those without a legal background, usually leading them to seek attorneys for assistance. However, as a Pro Se litigant representing yourself, you can gain an advantage with support from organizations like the Washington Civil Rights Council (WCRC). WCRC connects you with a community of Pro Se individuals, offering templates, best practices, and insights into the legal process, particularly in cases of Wrongful Termination, an area they’ve focused on for three years. Their expertise allows Pro Se litigants to match or even exceed the results typically achieved with legal representation. Representing yourself certainly is extra work, but the law is on your side!
Where Pro Se litigants often struggle isn’t necessarily with legal arguments but with understanding the legal process and strategies used by opposing parties. WCRC is familiar with these tactics and helps you preemptively counter them, ensuring a stronger case. Attorneys who have reviewed documents from WCRC Pro Se members have praised their quality, noting their effectiveness not just for self-represented individuals but across the board.
Choosing to work with a private attorney, if you can find one, may provide peace of mind but can come with disadvantages, including fees up to 40 percent, potential conflicts of interest, and handing over control of your case to someone who may lack experience in Covid-related Wrongful Termination cases. In contrast, WCRC, a non-profit organization, has had a magnifying glass on every aspect of Covid related Wrongful Terminations for the last three years. We are familiar with employer tactics used in Covid-related employment disputes and have developed templates in anticipation of these tactics to block them upfront. Lastly, recent rulings across the country have established a clear legal pathway favoring those arguing Covid-related wrongful termination. These precedents underscore that employers lacked grounds to terminate based on vaccination decisions, religious beliefs, or perceived workplace risk without substantiation. Consequently, arguments used by employers to dismiss unvaccinated employees are falling apart and justice is within reach!
To inquire about the WCRC Pro Se Legal ACtion Program you can email us at
WCRC @ protonmail DOT com or use the form on our About Us page
Below is the original page that WCRC published that helped tens of thousands of people in WA state to educate their employers and to keep their jobs while declining the Covid injectible
The below page, and especially the Constructive Notice, was downloaded thousands of times in 2021 and 2022. The result is that small and large employers alike had the opportunity to understand their losing position when it came to vaccine mandates. Boeing reviewed our Constructive Notice with an independent legal counsel and chose to drop its vaccine mandate to avoid thousands of Wrongful Terminations or potentially even a Class Action lawsuit.
Take a Stand
If you are here, you probably have a notion that the mandates are unlawful but may not be sure exactly why or how. Have confidence that you are speaking out with others and groups all over the state. Download the Constructive Notice shown below to inform your employer:
- Authorities cannot delegate powers to your employer that they do not have themselves.
- Coerced compliance with medical procedures violates the doctrine of Informed Consent and equates to assault in the eyes of the law.
- Vaccine manufacturers and government have pushed all legal risk onto employers. Business owners are NOT protected. They can face lawsuits for damages.
Download an easy to read companion to our Legal Notice: Constructive Notice Summary
If your employer is mandating vaccination, you do not need their permission to opt out. We are still a free country and you can turn in a Statement of Declination.
Use this Cover Letter, which you can customize (download Cover Letter as a Word Document), when sending the Constructive Notice and the Statement of Declination via Certified mail.
Wrongful Termination Legal Action Program
Take meaningful legal action about your Wrongful Termination. The WCRC Legal Action Program is always Pro Se and donation-based to allow anyone access to justice You will receive a custom Demand Letter along with a Memorandum of Law, by Lawyer Luis Ewing, to send to your(former) employer requesting that the employer reinstate and/or compensate you. If you are technically employed but have been placed on leave, there is a letter to Stop Termination. Please get in touch with us to learn more
Additional Resources
- Recommended Process for Exemptions to put you into strongest position for legal remedy should you face wrongful termination.
- FAQ Regarding ‘Vaccine’ Mandates
- TITLE VII OF THE Civil Rights Act of 1964
- EEOC Section 12 – Religious Discrimination
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Data
- QA about Vaccines (from Peggy Hall)