Washington Civil Rights Council


This case involves Kurt Benshoof, a 55 year-old  preacher from Seattle who faced escalating legal and personal challenges due to his refusal to comply with Seattle’s COVID-19 mask and “vax” mandates. His stance, though legally exempted based on valid medical and religious reasons, led to confrontations with local businesses and law enforcement. As he sought legal remedies, the system that should have been protecting him instead turned against him, issuing multiple trespass complaints and restraining orders.  He was further penalized from failing to appear in court, at the same time as he was barred from the courthouses.

Kurt’s ex-girlfriend, whose views on the Covid measures conflicted with his, used the situation to gain custody of their son.  She effectively exploited the courts to question his paternity and limit his parental rights.  Family courts issued extreme orders, including supervised visitation and restraining orders, all based on his opposition to mask and vaccine mandates.  Despite the fact that he had held long-term primary custody of his son, family courts then prosecuted Kurt for trying to see or simply text his son.

Frustrated by the corruption in the legal system, Kurt dedicated himself to studying the law and began filing his own cases to challenge the injustices he faced. He did such a remarkable job that one of his cases has now reached the United States Supreme Court and is awaiting review.  This development unsettled some. Kurt’s unexpected legal expertise caught by surprise the prosecutor, judges, and police officers who had violated his rights, making those in power uneasy – people with enough influence to manipulate the legal system for their own advantage.

On July 3rd, this concerned father was physically taken from his home with a fraudulent search warrant and using the highest level of force, a SWAT team, and has been in jail since.  Currently, while in jail, without a computer or an attorney, Kurt is being rushed through trial, to block his ability to mount a defense. Below is a list of some of the clear pre-trial violations of his rights to Due Process that Kurt is experiencing.   He has been DENIED:

  • Right to Habeas Corpus
  • Right to Challenge Search Warrant
  • Right to a Continuance [needed for his attorney to prepare for the trial]
  • Right to Counsel
  • Right to Discovery, including Exculpatory Evidence
  • Right to participate in Jury Selection
  • Right to Cross-examine Witnesses
  • Right to Call or Subpoena Witnesses
  • Right to defend himself (Pro Se) when barred from his own pre-trial hearing

After reading the above, do you smell a rat? This is a case of the state treating an American citizen as an enemy combatant, because he dared stand up to those in authority acting unlawfully. If it happened to Kurt, it can happen to anyone with convictions outside the power structure. This could happen to you.

What you CAN do to help this loving father find justice


Attend the trial.   The trial started on September 17th and the abuses of the legal process are still continuing every day.   A strong public turnout at the trial can make a significant difference.  The more eyes and ears in the courtroom, the harder it becomes for the judge and prosecutor to blatantly disregard due process and Kurt’s Constitutional Rights.

Where:    Seattle Municipal Courthouse, RM 1003, 600 5th Ave, Seattle 98104.  Kurt A.  Benshoof
When:      GENERALLY 8:45 am to 4:30 pm, HOWEVER rooms and dates and times can change

Speak UpIt will be helpful for certain key officials to hear that you are aware of the unimaginable and outrageous disregard for proper legal process and fundamental human rights that is occurring in Seattle Municipal Court, Room 1003 (aka Kurt’s Trial).  These contacts have a vested interest in preserving the rule of law, and they can create change if they hear from enough voices.  Kurt has not been allowed to cross examine witnesses or participate in jury selection, and, the court is refusing him his 6th amendment right to have an attorney.  (The judge’s excuse that the process is too far along is without merit).  Please contact one or both of the officials below and tell them you demand a dismissal of the case and Kurt’s immediate release.   


  • Josh Sattler – Seattle City Municipal Court Administrator, 206-684-5600, [email protected]
  • Leesa Manion – King County Prosecuting Attorney, 206-477-1200, [email protected]


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